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Youth Mental Health Hackathon With The Queensland Family and Child Commission

The Youth Advisory Council had been on a break due to COVID and the fact they were unable to catch up face-to-face. This was when they approached BOP Industries asking if we might be able to design and facilitate an online forum for their youth advisory councils from across the state.

In the lead up they also asked us to run two hackathons with their Youth Advisory Council (YAC). This YAC is comprised of 15 young people (Youth Champions) in QLD aged 15-25 and their job is to advise government on issues from a youth perspective. The QFCC does their budgeting on a financial year basis so as we moved through June, the QFCC had us run two hackathons with their Youth Champions to look at what they wanted to see over the next 12 months and how they thought the QFCC could better connect with young people across the state moving forward.

This was a fantastic exercise that saw the champs developing a diverse range of ideas as they connected and collaborated digitally with web whiteboarding tools, stimulus material, and facilitation from our team.

Seeing with over 40 amazing youth advisory council representatives from across QLD was uplifting. There was such a diverse range of young people represented and having them all connecting, collaborating, and working online to look at how we could better support young people over the next 12 months was heartwarming.

For more information on how you can organise a hackathon for your community or organisation, make sure to head to our Corporate Engagement page. If you'd like to find out more about something more bespoke, make sure to Contact Us.

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