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DigiTrek Cybersecurity Resource Development & Hands On Technology Activations

Digitrek has been designed to provide regional Queenslanders with greater insight into the digital skills required by the workforce of the future in response to the demand for technology, cyber security, and artificial intelligence specialists which continues to grow across the state.

There has never been a better time to learn about digital careers and opportunities, with demand for skills at an all-time high. The Department of Communities, Housing, and Digital Economy’s Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan is working to supply an additional 10,000 digital professionals in Queensland by 2024.

To help support the delivery of the Digitrek project with TAFE Queensland, the BOP team had the pleasure of developing a series of resources on technology in our community and cybersafety for digital and print distribution to thousands of regional Queenslanders over the course of the project. These included:

  • Guess The Password Challenges: Our Guess The Password Challenges provide participants with a selection of sample social media profiles and challenges them to see if they can guess the password of the social media user just based on key information on their profile through a game of password hangman.

  • Pondering Problem Boards: Our Pondering Problem Poster Boards challenge participants to consider the ethical challenges that come with technology use in our society, particularly in relation to new and emerging technologies. Each Poster Board comes with a problem statement, a short description, and an image for participants to consider. Should participants wish to find out more, there is also a QR code link to a short YouTube video with additional information. Attendees are tasked with considering the pondering problem and writing their thoughts on a post-it note, placing that on a continuum from ‘Strongly Agree’ to ‘Strongly Disagree’.

  • Spot The Scam Challenges: Our Spot The Scam Challenges provide participants with a selection of screenshots from social media platforms, text message conversations, emails, and direct messages. Participants are challenged to analyse these screenshots and highlight what elements of these screenshots make them think that this interaction might actually be a scam.

  • Tech Timeline Challenges: Our Tech Timeline Challenges provide participants with a selection of commonly used technologies, and a selection of years on a timeline. Participants are challenged to line up the technology with the year it was invented on the timeline.

  • Hands-On Technology Poster Boards: Our Hands-On Technology Poster Boards have been designed to provide a high-level overview of a range of new and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Robotics, and Augmented Reality, showcasing how these are being used in industry. Each poster features statistics, case studies from around the world, and QR codes that link to additional videos and reading.

In addition to developing these Digitrek branded resources, the BOP team also assisted with the delivery of a three day Hands On Technology Activation at FarmFest on behalf of Digitrek. The Hands On Technology Activation has been designed to show attendees the creative side of STEM, and how they can use new and emerging technology tools to bring their ideas to life.

For Farm Fest, our Hands On Technology Activation featured two key technologies for attendees to engage with. These included:

Augmented Reality: Attendees will be able to colour in a selection of sea creatures of their choosing on some A4 paper before then scanning them with an iPad to see them come to life in Augmented Reality. These AR animals are then added to our 'Augmented Reality Aquarium' that is projected onto a wall near the activation for all attendees see the coloured in sea creatures added to the aquarium once scanned in AR. 

3D Printing Pens: These pens will see attendees able to make all sorts of creations with a pen that prints solid filament in 3D with the filament freezing as soon as it leaves the nozzle of the pen. This is a really fun and creative way for attendees to learn about 3D printing.

Here is a short video of our facilitator Lily explaining how the Augmented Reality works:

To find out more about how we can develop resources for you, or assist with the delivery of a hands on technology activation, make sure to contact us here:


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