Founders: Bella Raynbird, Michelle Mabena, Paola Arquinez
School: Year 11 Students At St Benedict's College, Mango Hill
Joined The YE Hub: September 2022
Business Name: YourCountry
Tell Us About Your Business:
YourCountry is a website aimed to educate and empower young people in primary and secondary schooling about First Nation Peoples. Due to the lack of leaning materials on First Nation Peoples within schools, and all the information and resources provided, will enhance cultural awareness, and support the path to reconciliation.
How Did You Come Up With This Business Idea?
This business idea originated from the "Enterprising Girls' workshop that Paola, Michelle, and Bella attended in 2021. This workshop emphasised how women have the power to create their own businesses and be successful in the business industry. Through that experience, we were asked to identify social issues within Australia. Us girls decided to investigate how Australians have a lack of knowledge on Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islander culture and history. We then created a paper plan of an app that would hold all the resources, but then our idea developed into a website when entering the Moreton Bay Telstra Innovation Awards competition. This was due to further research on marketing, identifying main customers, and having a budget for production.

What Products/Services Are You Offering And Who Are They For?
We plan on offering in-school programs, excursion locations, unit plans, and lesson plans. Schools can have trial periods to track student engagement and teacher usage. Our flexibility allows schools to cancel their trial and subscription at any time. We plan on offering lesson and unit plans for all grades across all subjects provided. These plans will align directly with the Australian Curriculum. Our website's predominant feature are the games provided for students, to assist with engagement and retention of information. These features are for both the students and staff.
What Is Your Favourite Tool You Use In Your Business?
Our favourite tool to use for our business is the website and app canva. Through canva we have created a simple prototype of how we plan to layout our website for easy navigation and access to information. Canva can also be used to create promotional materials such as social media posts and newsletters.
What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learnt In The Young Entrepreneurs Hub?
The most important thing that we've learnt in The Young Entrepreneurs Hub was the idea of trying new things. Trial and error to see what works for us, to be able to be okay with not knowing the outcome and being okay with failure. Learning about ourselves as a group, identifying our strengths, weaknesses, and what we need to work on as a group and individuals. We leant how to maximise our potential and to dig deeper within our own skillsets, to bring out the best in ourselves, each other, and to produce the best version of our product possible.
What Advice Do You Have For Other Young People Wanting To Start Their Own
Our advice is to always strive to create something new, and to try new things. There's never a wrong answer and failure can only be seen as growth.
To find out more about
and to support Louie's business journey, make sure to subscribe on the Reborn website. To find out more about the Young Entrepreneurs Hub and how you can bring your own business idea to life, head to: www.bopindustries.com/yehub