Since our first workshop at the World Science Festival Brisbane over a year ago in 2017, we have had the absolute pleasure of getting to work with students across Queensland as we develop our suite of digital creator workshop programs. When we started we weren’t much more than a small group of friends with a common mission to bring creativity back to the classroom, and we started this mission with our holograms.

From our very first workshop we knew we were onto something special. We saw students and teachers alike coming together in their love of creativity to learn, play and grow in a fun, hands on environment. Not only did our participants love the programs, but we found our facilitators having a ball themselves and quickly our team grew.
Before long, we had over 10 facilitators in our team often running multiple workshops at a time across the state. We would see students messaging us on social media to tell us about the projects they’d created post workshop and we would have teachers reaching out to update us on the work they’re doing in the classroom. And since beginning we have had the pleasure of working with over 12,000 proud Queenslanders from Brisbane to Rockhampton, Gladstone, Cairns and beyond.

Now we are working to embark on our most ambitious and exciting journey yet. We are working to inspire a generation of digital creators across Australia. After hearing from our fantastic community of educators we found that teachers across the country were working to bring their classrooms into the 21st century and we want to be there to help.
As we move into our new chapter we looking forward to bringing our programs along with our affiliate programs to students across the country. With plans for New South Wales and Victoria expansions in the next few months, we’re on the hunt for more passionate facilitators to come and join our teams across the country. Not only are we looking for facilitators, but we are looking for innovative educators looking to bring us into their classrooms. We are passionate about showing young people how amazing they can be, and how their learnings from the classrooms can be applied to the real world.
We are really excited about our next chapter and we look forward to bringing you along for the ride!
For all enquiries, please email or visit