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How To Make A Good Impression At Your Next Event - Building Your Connections

Wanting to make a good impression at your next event? Being able to make connections, and build your network is a key to success in any industry. Whether it is the ability to meet the right people, communicate your ideas, or make a good impression, networking skills are incredibly important!

There is the age-old line in business that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. One thing that has helped us is the ability to build a network. Here are some of our top tips for building your network:

Start Attending Events 

Get out to as many events as possible and start meeting as many people as possible. There are hundreds of business events happening across the country every day and it’s not too hard to find them or to get an invitation. Jump on your socials and connect with people in your area and start asking them what’s on! Our favourite platforms for this are LinkedIn and Twitter and you can usually find events on Facebook and Eventbrite.


Quality Over Quantity 

They say you become the summation of the 5 people you spend the most time with. This is true with networking - you very much assimilate to the communities you spend the most time in. So in saying that, it’s important that you find the community that’s right for you. This goes with the connections you make too, don’t just start throwing your business cards out to anyone with a free hand, think about if they can help you on your journey. Remember, one good quality connection is better than 100 bad ones.

Be A Good Human

Now, when you get to an event it can be a bit daunting to not know anyone else in the room. But never fear! Chances are there are always at least a handful of people that feel the same way, and everyone in the room has been in the same position before. So, our best piece of advice is to go up to someone with a big smile and introduce yourself. It sounds basic but if you’re a good human, people are more likely to want to help you. 

Read The Room 

As important as it is to put a smile on your face and say hi, there is also an important strategy to working a room when you’re looking to meet as many people as possible. We recommend starting by looking for groups with either an opening in their circle, or groups with a gap in the conversation. When there is a beat in the conversation as they change gears, it’s a perfect time to slot in and introduce yourself. Alternatively, you can start with the people on the outside of the room or standing solo because chances are that they are in a similar situation.

Now these are just a couple of points to help you at your next networking event but the best way to learn is just starting. Don’t worry if you completely bomb at your first event, we all have those awkward conversations and interactions and it’s just part of the learning experience. Just go in with an open mind and a positive attitude and you’ll be fine.

Looking for a way to stand out at your next networking event? Make sure to download our free Student Starter Kit resource that will help you build your personal brand as a young professional. If you're an aspiring young professional or entrepreneur, make sure to check out our Free Masterclasses to get some more advice as you build your brand.



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