Students completing our 'Community Leaders' workbook will be learning how to be responsible community leaders as they work to develop products and initiatives to support the local community groups in their city.
In this workbook students will be identifying issues they see around their city and building their skills to allow them to develop a product or solution. Throughout the workbook, students will be using deisgn thinking tools to build a viable solution for the diverse community across the city. As they work, students will be ideating and creating to look how they can develop solutions to problems around their local communities.
This workbook has been designed for primary school students and takes approximately three hours to complete.
Community Leaders Workbook - Primary
This workbook has been designed for students to download and complete by themselves or with the assistance of a teacher or parent. The workbook will come with instructions for students as they complete challenges, watch videos, read articles and work through the program.
We ask that you purchase one workbook lisence per school using the workbook.
Should you have any questions whilst completing this workbook, please do not hesitate to contact the BOP team by emailing us at